EMS Chief Joshua Krull is proud to announce that Paramedic Kelly Johnson has been hired as the District’s full time EMS Education Coordinator. With the increasing number of education class requests and needs, Kelly will be able to focus solely on education and training. With an EMS worker shortage, this position will allow us to increase the amount of classes we offer in addition to offering more education during scheduled shifts to reduce off-duty training requirements. Kelly brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this position and we are honored to have her on our team!
You can read a short biography about Kelly and her experiences below:
Kelly started her EMS career in 1986 by becoming a licensed Emergency Medical Technician and working for the Pulaski County Memorial Hospital, then with the Pulaski County Ambulance District once it was established. She obtained her paramedic license in January of 1989 and has been involved in direct patient care and EMS education in one format or another for many years. Her love and passion has only grown stronger over the years.
Kelly worked on the ambulances for Pulaski County Memorial Hospital, Pulaski County Ambulance District, City of Richland Ambulance, Phelps County Regional Medical Center Ambulance, St. James Ambulance District and Salem Memorial Hospital Ambulance. In addition to working in the pre-hospital setting, she enjoys working in the emergency department as a paramedic and has worked for Phelps County Regional Medical Center ER, Salem Memorial District Hospital and Texas County Memorial hospital where she is still currently employed part time.
In the EMS Education field, Kelly has worked for Rolla Technical Center and Ozark Technical Center and was able to be in the community along with area EMS, Fire, and Police partners at many area schools, ambulance bases, fire stations and 911 centers teaching CPR, First Aid and other courses.
Kelly has been involved with, established, coordinated, and instructed First Responder courses, Emergency Medical Dispatch courses, Emergency Medical Technician courses, and Paramedic programs. She has been active through the years with American Heart Association courses from the instructor level to the role of an AHA Training Center Coordinator.
We are so fortunate to have someone of this caliber on our team!
Joshua A. Krull, ASM-C, FP-C
EMS Chief
Osage Ambulance District